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Online piano keyboard

Online piano keyboard

Piano is a keyboard stringed instrument with a horizontal (piano) or vertical (piano) arrangement of strings.

The piano is one of the most common musical instruments in which sound is produced using hammers and strings of different thicknesses. The former strike the latter when the keys are pressed, as a result of which the instrument generates sounds of a given pitch and amplitude.

Sound production involves not only steel strings coated with copper or silver, but also a cast-iron frame and a resonant soundboard that amplify sound waves and increase their duration. So, if you press a piano key, the sound will last up to 3-4 seconds, gradually fading away as the vibrations of the string decrease.

History of the pianoforte

The percussion method began extracting music from strings as early as the 14th century in France. We are talking about the predecessors of modern pianos - harpsichords. Subsequently, this technology was applied in clavichords, but this did not save the instrument from its main drawback - a rapidly fading sound. It lasted less than a second with the same volume, which excluded the possibility of performing dynamic compositions.

The reason was the lack of resonance, but this became known only in the 17th century - after the corresponding discovery by Galileo Galilei. In the meantime, the musical masters acted intuitively, continuing to improve the classical versions of the harpsichord and clavichord.

By the beginning of the 18th century, experiments were crowned with unprecedented success, when the Italian master Bartolomeo Cristofori in 1907 presented a new type of stringed hammer instruments - gravicembalo col piano e forte, later called the "piano".

In them, the hammers were placed under the strings, and the duration and dynamics of the sound was provided by a resonator. In 1716-1721, the design of the instrument was improved by French and German craftsmen, in particular by Jean Marius and Gottlieb Schroeter. And a little later, Sebastian Erard proposed a double rehearsal mechanic that allows you to extract a long (slowly fading) sound when you quickly press a key.

If we talk about the very first piano in its modern view, it was invented in 1800 by the American master John Isaac Hawkins. In this instrument, the strings were for the first time perpendicular to the ground, due to which it became more compact and convenient.

Austrian Matthias Müller, who presented a similar design in 1801, was also involved in a similar development. In the same period, the piano, previously controlled only by keys, received two foot pedals that allow you to adjust the timbre, duration and dynamics of the sound.

The popularity of the piano began to grow rapidly from the 19th century: it became one of the main musical instruments, first in Europe and the USA, and then in other countries. In 1818, its production was opened in the Russian Empire: by the masters Tischner and Virta, and in 1828 - in Austria: by the master Ignaz Bösendorfer. The Bösendorfer piano brand of the same name still exists today, and is the oldest of the existing ones in the world.

An equally significant contribution to the production of keyboard hammer instruments was made by Steinway & Sons from the USA, whose products in the middle of the 19th century were unparalleled in quality.

Piano and electricity

The total electrification of the beginning and middle of the 20th century could not but affect the musical sphere, and already in the 20s of the last century, the first electric piano models began to appear.

In them, sound extraction took place mechanically - with the help of hammers and strings, and sound transformation - electrically: with the help of a pickup. One of the first models of such pianos was the Vivi-Tone Clavier by the American engineer Lloyd Loar, presented in 1929.

The main advantages of electromechanical tools compared to mechanical ones were their compactness and low cost. They were much better suited for touring and outdoor performances, and rapidly gained worldwide popularity until the end of the 70s of the XX century.

In the 80s, even more advanced and compact devices began to actively replace them - electronic pianos, which produced sound without the use of mechanical parts. In fact, they only imitated the sounds of strings, but they did it so identically that by the middle of the 90s, bulky grand pianos and pianos were almost completely ousted from the music scene.

Today, electronic pianos are commonly known as "synthesizers" and can produce a huge variety of sounds, from classical stringed instruments to the voices of people, birds and animals. The modern concept of "keyboard player" is primarily associated with a synthesizer, and only then with mechanical pianos and pianos, which have long ceased to be a mass phenomenon.

How to play piano online

How to play piano online

The piano is not the most difficult musical instrument to learn: with daily practice, even children manage to play simple melodies on it. To do this, it is not necessary to attend a music school or take lessons from professional musicians.

It is enough to be able to read notes and play them by pressing the appropriate keys. There are 88 of them - 52 white and 36 black. The latter are arranged alternately by 2 and 3 keys: for the convenience of visual and tactile finding. When moving from left to right, the pitch rises, and by pressing the pedals, you can adjust its timbre and duration. What else is important to know in order to learn how to play the piano?

How to learn to play the piano

First of all, decide what you need training for. Without motivation, it will not be possible to master any musical instrument, and the piano is no exception in this sense.

In favor of mastering the skill, you can list the inspiration and pleasure that you will get by independently extracting music from the instrument, as well as the opportunity to please loved ones with beautiful playing and make a good impression on them. If you are determined to learn how to play the piano, the following tips will be useful to you:

  • Tune the instrument before you start learning. By yourself, using a tuning fork, or by inviting a specialist. Only in this case it will be possible to extract sounds from the piano that are 100% corresponding to the notes. The adjustment is carried out not once, but many times - during the entire life of the tool. As you master the skill, you will learn to distinguish between falseness and tune the piano yourself - by ear.
  • Practice daily. Like anything else, the key to playing the piano is practice. The more often you train, the faster you will reach the desired heights - even without professional help. In practice, it is not so much the duration that matters, but the frequency of classes. So, it is much more effective to play the piano for 15 minutes every day than several hours, but once a week.
  • Become comfortable while playing. Keep your back straight and your shoulders back. You need to sit on the edge of the chair, moved to a comfortable distance and located strictly in the center to the piano. The hips should be placed parallel to the floor and perpendicular to the body. You do not need to lean on the back, as in this case you will have to stretch your arms to play and you will quickly get tired. The elbows should be bent, placed along the body and relaxed, and the fingers should move easily and without tension on the keys. If you follow these rules, your legs will not numb and your back will not get tired, and you will be able to comfortably spend more than 30-60 minutes playing the game.
  • Watch your fingers. They should always be bent and relaxed. It is not necessary to drum them on the keys, the movements should be as soft and smooth as possible. If you have long nails, cut them off as they will interfere with the game. You need to press the keys with the pads of your fingers, and keep the neighboring fingers relaxed so that they do not press the keys located to the right and left. At the beginning of learning, you can practice playing with one hand, memorizing the keys and their sound. But the ultimate goal is two-handed play, with the ability to alternate white and black keys.
  • Train your ear. Experienced musicians can accurately distinguish between notes and octaves, and automatically adjust their playing without looking at the score. At the initial stages of learning, you can simply press the keys and memorize how they sound, and after a while find them without looking - by ear. It is a mistake to think that an ear for music can only be innate, there are many cases in history when it became acquired - in the course of a long and diligent practice.
  • Master musical notation. The names of the notes, their location and sound, sizes and keys - all this must be remembered by heart. Purchase a beginner's guide or download it from the Internet. You will also need a score and music books with the pieces of music that you want to learn how to play on the piano. Musical literacy is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, it is quite possible to master it in a couple of months or even weeks.

The 21st century is good because it is not necessary to buy it to play the piano, and in general to make any financial investments. Today you can play and learn the game completely free of charge - using the possibilities of IT technologies. For example, using a special simulator application that faithfully imitates a piano. The corresponding notes are written on each key, and the sound is fully consistent with the tuned mechanical instrument.

A virtual piano is always at hand, your creative impulses will no longer be held back by the lack of an instrument. Free online service always at your service!